Witch Rooms is registered with the NHBRC.

What is the NHBRC?

The National Home Builders Registration Council was established in terms of the Housing Consumer Protection Measures Act, 1998 (Act No. 95 of 1998). The Council is mainly established to protect the interest of housing consumers, and to regulate the home building industry.

Before the commencement of the Housing Consumer Protection Measures Act, 1998 (Act No. 95 1998) a National Home Builders Registration Council (Pty) Ltd was established as a section 21 non-profit making company. It's main objective was to promote the common interests of persons occupied in the business or profession of home building, through the regulation of the home building industry. The section 21 company explicitly protects housing consumers.

In August 1995 the NHBRC (Pty) Ltd established another company called the National Home Builders Registration Council Fund (Pty) Ltd. The main objective of this company was to establish an indemnity fund to promote the interests of gratia basis to finance the rectification of defects in housing units in circumstances where contractors were either unable or unwilling to do so.

On the 26th March 2001 a statutory council was installed, in accordance with the provisions of the Housing Consumers Protection Measures Act, 1998 (Act No. 95 1998). The two former section 21 companies were consequently dissolved on the said date, and all their assets and liabilities were transferred to the statutory council.

Customers pay an enrolment fee to the NHBRC which covers a 5 year guarantee on their new home.

Witch Rooms Symbol of Comfort and Quality Witch Rooms Hildings (PTY) LTD National Home Builders Registration Council Timber Frame Builders Association

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