While nothing can compare with the beauty of a natural wood home, there are many other practical reasons for selecting timber over traditional building methods.
- A timber home is well insulated against the elements. Far less energy is required to heat and cool the home, resulting in a significant saving on electricity.
- Timber provides a safe, tranquil and healthy living environment as it does not conduct electricity and has no magnetic properties.
- Erection time is far shorter than other building methods.
- Excellent for Clay areas, Save On foundation costs.
The choice of external and internal finishes provides more choice than traditional construction approach.
- Your home can be clad externally with a wide variety of materials, including: timber board moulded in traditional shiplap, half log or other wooden styles; fibre cement weather boards, as well as brick and stone veneers.
- Internal finishes range from the natural cottage look to more modern and luxurious finishes. Exotic and traditional woods such as Oregon Pine, Oak, Saligna and Meranti can be chosen for flooring, architraves, cornices, balustrading and staircase finishes.
- A solid log construction is also available for the "Rolls Royce" in Timber Construction.